Monika S Jakubowska
Collaborated on
- Album cover photography '7 Songs in 7 Days'
- Album cover photography Thoughts, Conversations and To Do Lists
Monika S. Jakubowska is an acclaimed photographer and graphic designer based in London, United Kingdom. Born into an artistic family (mother-musician, father-painter, photographer and guitarist) in North-Eastern Poland. Her interest for photography began at the early age of four. Since then her zeal and enthusiasm has
only grown. She studied photography and visual arts at Warsaw School of Advertisement and in the meantime she obtained her M.A. degree in English Literature.
Monika works as a freelance photographer, graphic designer and a journalist. She co-operates with numerous newspapers, magazines, press agencies and a radio station. As a portrait and documentary photographer her images are meant to recreate stories. Her ability to capture moments and relay a message through a single image evokes the great passion she has within her. The photographs she creates are filled with reality and emotion. She’s often compared to the greatest photographers of our times and is one of the first female photographers to be featured in the National Jazz Archive.